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Green Office Space

WRI began integrating sustainability principles into the design of our work spaces in 1999, when our office moved to 10 G Street in Washington, D.C. Since then, we have expanded our work into sixteen more offices around the world. Factoring environmental and human wellness considerations into our workplaces supports WRI’s mission while making our offices a better place to work for our staff. Currently, over 60% of WRI’s staff work in a LEED-certified space. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, is one of the most widely used rating systems for buildings optimized for environmental performance and human health.

U.S. Office

The U.S. office is located in a commercial building that was re-certified LEED Platinum in 2016. The building includes a green roof, which provides green space for staff, supports storm water management and reduces building energy use.

In addition, WRI completed an interior renovation project that achieved LEED Silver in 2017. One key energy-saving outcome of the renovation was a 36% reduction in power used for lighting. This reduction was achieved through the use of improved daylighting, LED fixtures and occupancy sensors. As part of the renovation, we installed electric sub-meters that allow us to track actual energy usage by zones in the office. Data from these sub-meters are used to engage staff and visitors on the energy consumed in daily operations. Through this engagement, we are able to encourage reductions in electricity used for workstation equipment and electric lighting. Other features of the WRI office renovation include the following:

  • Diversion of about 95% of construction waste from landfills (i.e. to reuse or recycling)
  • 90% of work stations and offices have access to natural light
  • A minimum of 20% of new wood materials are Forest Stewardship Council certified
  • Use of Energy Star certified, energy-efficient appliances and equipment.
WRI Green Office - Library
The interior stair is both functional in connecting the two floors of the U.S. Office but it also helps with LEED certification as an opportunity for physical activity during the workday.

China Office

WRI’s office in Beijing, China is a LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors Gold certified project. Completed in 2014, the office renovation was certified for incorporating environmental features into the design, such as:

  • Siting the office space in a location that ensures access to public transportation
  • Installing highly efficient lighting fixtures that reduce power consumption by 46 percent
  • Reusing 70% of furniture from the old office to minimize waste
  • Ensuring that any new furniture purchased is 100% Green Guard Certified, thereby limiting chemical emissions

The project team also prioritized staff health by including an extensive office air-purification system to combat Beijing's air pollution.

WRI Green Office - China
WRI China is located on the 7/F of Tower A of the East Gate Plaza, Beijing, China, and near various public transportation lines for commuting and travel. The building itself was renovated in 2012. Photo by Cheng Ze/WRI.
Silhouettes of children playing swing in turbine wind park at sunset