Our Challenge

Energy is more than electricity. Access to clean, affordable and reliable power is essential for human health, education and economic prosperity.

Yet the world’s energy system is currently a major driver of inequity, ecosystem degradation and climate change. More than 700 million people globally still lack access to electricity. Those who do have power often get it through polluting fossil fuels. Energy is already responsible for 73% of global emissions, while energy demand is slated to rise nearly 10% by 2030.


people worldwide lack access to electricity  


of global CO2 emissions come from buildings


of global emissions come from energy consumption


of world's energy supply must be powered by clean energy to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050

Our Approach

WRI works to transform the world’s energy system into one that benefits people, nature and climate. We collaborate with policymakers, cities, companies, utilities, regulators and development institutions to secure clean, affordable and reliable energy for all communities.

We work closely with utilities and policymakers to develop climate-resilient infrastructure that supports variable renewables and electric transport. We partner with corporations, institutions and governments to increase demand for low-carbon energy, including renewables, electric vehicles and energy-efficient and zero-carbon buildings. Our tools, analyses and initiatives track communities most in need of electricity and identify places where clean energy is the most affordable and reliable solution. And we help city leaders around the world improve the efficiency of their buildings, a major source of emissions. 

Energy Access Explorer provides the data and tools necessary to create a future where all people have access to affordable, reliable and modern energy.

Learn more

WRI's energy work spans a number of topics, including buildings, energy access and clean energy.  Explore all projects in depth.

  • Pittsburgh, PA at night.

    City Renewables Accelerator

    Helping U.S. cities advance ambitious renewable energy goals. 

    Part of Clean Energy
  • Bangkok green roofs

    Built Environment

    Championing regenerative design and infrastructure, net zero buildings and resilient housing.

    Part of Cities
  • Clean Energy Investment Accelerator

    Unlocking clean energy investment in the commercial and industrial sectors and helping companies meet their clean energy goals across the globe. 

    Part of Clean Energy
  • Women irrigating a farm using solar-powered water pump in Kenya.

    African Energy Dialogues: Energising the Future Together

    African Energy Dialogues is a platform for evidence-based energy discourse across the African continent. It convenes public and private sector stakeholders, research institutions, civil society and development partners to support African-led design and implementation of African countries' energy pathways.

    Part of Energy

Stay up-to-date on our work to accelerate the transition to clean, affordable energy.


Media Contacts

  • Alex Dolan.

    Communications and Engagement Lead, Global Energy

Silhouettes of children playing swing in turbine wind park at sunset