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A person leans over a vegetable stand, handing the vendor a piece of paper in Kelantan, Malaysia.

Legacy Society Membership

You can create a lasting legacy that inspires real-world change and improves people’s lives, drives economic equity and growth, and ensures that the natural world can thrive. By naming World Resources Institute as a beneficiary in your will or trust, you join WRI's Legacy Society and ensure your impact with a powerful and enduring planned gift.

WRI offers several ways you can leave a lasting gift in your will or trust.

If you would like to create a will, we invite you to use Freewill’s secure online resource and write your legal will in 20 minutes or less, at no personal cost.

Launch Bequest Tool

If you would like to name WRI as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401k, life insurance policy or another asset, we invite you to use FreeWill's free beneficary tool to easily take account of your non-probate assets all in one place.

Plan Your Beneficiaries

If you would like to make a legacy gift in your existing will, please use the following language:

For a specific bequest:

I give and bequeath unto the World Resources Institute, tax ID# 52-1257057, the sum of $_____ to be used for general charitable purposes.

For a residuary bequest:

I give and bequeath ___% of my residuary estate to the World Resources Institute, tax ID# 52-1257057, to be used for its general charitable purposes.

For a designated or endowed bequest:

I give and bequeath unto the World Resources Institute, tax ID# 52-1257057, (the sum of $)/(% of my residuary estate) to be used by it for [state designation or purpose]. In the event the purpose for which this bequest has been designated or restricted can no longer be accomplished, I direct that it be used by the World Resources Institute for such similar charitable purposes as it shall determine.

If you’ve already created a gift in your estate plan, please fill out this form so we can invite you to join WRI’s Legacy Society.

If you have questions or would like additional information about WRI’s Legacy Society, please contact Heather Sullivan.

Silhouettes of children playing swing in turbine wind park at sunset