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Our strategy builds on 40 years of research and results. But to achieve the transitions the world needs, we also need to invest in our own internal transition.

We have entered a new phase of the organization — one even more focused on learning, accountability and achieving impact in the world. We aim to generate greater results through expanded partnerships; rigorous theories of change; a commitment to evolve and adjust over time; and better resources.


IN ACTION: Multi-year Funding for Poverty Reduction, Social Equity and Gender Equality

For over a decade, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency have provided institutional multi-year funding to WRI in alignment with their overseas development assistance mandate. They have provided input to our five-year strategies, supported independent external evaluations of our progress, aligned reporting requirements to enhance efficiency, and met regularly with our leaders and technical experts to address challenges and advance shared goals. This flexible funding has been crucial to mainstreaming poverty reduction, social equity and gender equality across our programming — institute-wide needs difficult to meet through restricted funding.



WRI won’t achieve the changes we seek alone. Our efforts to bring about systemic shifts require working closely with an even wider array of partners — individuals, businesses, NGOs, governments and more. While we forge partnerships to grow our knowledge and capacity, we also aim to support our partners with ideas, data and resources so that we can move the world toward common goals together.

Impact Targets

We’re holding ourselves to a higher standard than ever before. It’s no longer enough to measure positive outcomes. Instead, we’re starting with Global Impact Targets — changes we need to see in the world, linked to goals in high-level international accords like the Paris Agreement — and setting our institutional and country targets based on them. If we’re not creating real change in the world that achieves our goals for people, nature and climate, we’re not doing it right.

Theories of Change

All WRI’s work is based on rigorous, evidence-based theories of change. We identify key actors, risks, assumptions, knowledge gaps, social equity and political economy considerations. We develop methodologies for planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL), which provides us with information to assess our progress — and change course when needed. The ultimate goal is initiatives that generate clear impact and lessons learned that we share broadly.

Flexible Funding

Shifting our approach to fundraising is essential for achieving our vision of a globally coordinated network that delivers impact in a more focused set of areas with clear targets. We’ll prioritize multi-year, flexible funding that allows us to dig deeper into projects and invest in building institutional capacity. To support our work, visit wri.org/support.

Getting the Great Transition Right

The goals we’ve set are ambitious. Working to achieve systemic change in focus countries and globally will be a herculean task. But it’s also critical one — not just for the world of today, but for the one we’re building for generations to come.

WRI serves as the secretariat of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, comprised of 17 serving world leaders who have committed to sustainably manage 100% of their national waters by 2025. The panel is supported by a network of action groups, experts and advisers representing public, private, financial, research and civil society sectors.

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A brighter future is possible. With your help, we can set the direction for this decade and beyond. Come and join us as we help the world navigate its great transition.

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