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Data Lab

The Data Lab is WRI’s core data innovation and product delivery unit. Its mission is to use advances in data and technology to help our community improve lives, protect nature and ensure just transitions. The Data Lab provides robust technical support and guidance to leverage the technological possibilities of today in favor of a sustainable and equitable future.

The Data Lab supports the WRI community in five ways:

Data Lab

The Data Lab is WRI’s core data innovation and product delivery unit. Its mission is to use advances in data and technology to help our community improve lives, protect nature and ensure just transitions. The Data Lab provides robust technical support and guidance to leverage the technological possibilities of today in favor of a sustainable and equitable future.

The Data Lab supports the WRI community in five ways:

Data Strategy Guidance

When building a new data product or beginning a new analysis, determining where to start can be challenging. The Data Lab acts as a guide, helping teams harness data and technology to reach their impact goals while avoiding common pitfalls. The Data Lab provides support:

  • Identifying data sources
  • Recommending or vetting technical partners
  • Recommending novel data science methods

Common Data Infrastructure

Doing data analysis or product development requires computational infrastructure. The Data Lab helps teams set up the right infrastructure, building on industry and organizational best practices to improve coherence among products and have lower costs.

Data Science Support

The Data Lab helps our partners turn data into action. To this end, The Data Lab offers three data sciences services:

  • Data Visualization Design: In collaboration with WRI’s Communications team, The Data Lab designs and builds creative data visualizations to tell data stories that support communication, advocacy and decision making.
  • Data Tool Development: The Data Lab builds data analysis software and applications that support research and program implementation.
  • Statistics, Machine Learning and AI Consulting: Data science moves fast. The Data Lab helps teams around the world to understand, develop and deploy new quantitative methods to advance their work.

Product Studio: Product Design and Scaling

The Product Studio helps teams that design and scale software products to understand their users, develop product designs, and test rapid prototypes. This results in products that are co-created with the problem owners, at a lower cost and with robust impact monitoring.

Enterprise Product Management

Over the years, WRI has built a catalog of robust data products that improve decision-making, enable radical transparency and drive impact. The Data Lab’s in-house team of product managers and engineers ensures that our largest products increase their impact while improving sustainability. 

Partner with Us

We are looking for partners who are interested in the potential for AI and ML to address the world’s most pressing issues. If you would like to contribute to this growing body of work please contact Evan Tachovsky at evan.tachovsky@wri.org.

Center focuses on a number of specific initiatives, including projects on Air Quality, Energy Access, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Climate Governance, Environmental Rights, and Gender. Explore all projects in depth.

Data Lab Experts

Silhouettes of children playing swing in turbine wind park at sunset