Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) Tool: Data Sources and Calculation Methods, Version 1.1
This technical note describes data and methods that enable communities in the United States to include forests and trees outside forests in their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories using the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) tool. LEARN is an interactive web tool that provides automated analysis of the GHG impacts of forests and trees at the community scale. This is a living document that will be updated as improvements to the tool and its data sources are completed.
World Resources Institute, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and several partners are equipping community leaders with the tools they need to plan for and monitor locally-led nature-based solutions and equitable programs for climate change mitigation. Cities, counties, municipalities and landowners are taking proactive steps to mitigate climate change, but to do so they need reliable and consistent information on the greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts of land management decisions.
The LEARN (Land Emissions and Removals Navigator) tool is a free web tool which provides automated spatial analysis of the GHG impacts of forests and trees within a community or area of interest. LEARN enables communities and land managers to make data-driven plans for forests and trees and efficiently monitor the implementation and impacts over time. Insights from the LEARN tool can be used to highlight how local climate action contributes to state and national mitigation targets and inform local decision making. The tool analyzes national datasets from the U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Geological Survey to derive spatially explicit estimates of carbon emissions and removals from land cover change, forest disturbances, and changes to tree canopy on non-forest lands. The LEARN tool works in complement with ICLEI's U.S. Community Protocol’s Appendix J: Forests and Trees to support communities in forest- and tree-related climate action planning at the local scale.
This technical note documents the data and methods used in the LEARN tool and outlines opportunities for scaling and improvement.
Land & Carbon Lab
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThis initiative connects those at the vanguard of land monitoring with those at the frontlines of land use decisions.
Part of ForestsGlobal Forest Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectOffering the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better manage and protect forest landscapes.
Part of Forests