Wee Kean Fong
Deputy Country Director, WRI China
Dr. Wee Kean Fong is the Deputy Country Director of WRI China . He leads the Greenhouse Gas Protocol City Accounting Project to develop an international standard for accounting and reporting greenhouse gas emissions from cities and communities. His latest publication is the Pilot Version 1.0 of the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions that jointly developed with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Under the same partnership, Fong is currently working on a full value chain (all direct and indirect emission sources) greenhouse gas accounting standard for cities, which will be completed in 2015. He also provides technical assistance and training to help cities implement citywide greenhouse gas inventories according to the Global Protocol.
Before joining WRI, Fong was affiliated with a Tokyo-based international consulting firm, where he participated in climate change and environment related projects in a number of cities in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. During his PhD program, he conducted a Japan-Malaysia joint research on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for cities in both countries. Prior to that, he was based in Malaysia, where he was one of the lead environment and urban planning consultants in the State of Sarawak.
Fong holds a Bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Technology Malaysia, and a Master of Engineering and Doctor of Engineering from the Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe global standard for companies and organizations to measure and manage their GHG emissions and become more efficient, resilient and prosperous.
Part of ClimateTools, Reporting, and Analysis for Climate (TRAC)
Visit ProjectTRAC provides standards, tools, data, and analysis for use by countries, cities, and companies as the foundation for large-scale emissions reductions.
Part of ClimateClimate Solutions Partnership
Visit ProjectA five-year philanthropic collaboration to scale climate solutions by combining HSBC’s financial expertise with the knowledge and experience of WRI, WWF and a network of local partners
Part of BusinessAccelerating Subnational Actions for Carbon Neutrality in China
Visit ProjectAccelerating and scaling up subnational actions to support the goal of carbon neutrality in China by 2060
Part of Cities