Successful Policy Frameworks for Climate Businesses
Early-stage climate businesses in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) struggle to attract climate finance in the form of private investments due to perceived high risks and an unfavorable environment, resulting in costly private capital and limited flow. Policy and regulatory barriers deter investors, causing misalignment in priorities.
This session will highlight successful strategies that have improved in-country enabling systems and mitigated investment risks to attract private sector investment for climate entrepreneurs. It will bring together a panel of high-level P4G country partner representatives from governments and the private sector, together with partnerships, to discuss the challenges and opportunities for private sector investment in climate businesses in their respective countries.
P4G will highlight its role in helping promote enabling systems for climate entrepreneurship including through P4G Summits as global convenings to facilitate knowledge exchange.
Robyn McGuckin, Executive Director, P4G
Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO, World Resources Institute
Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, Deputy Minister of Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Republic of Indonesia
Jaswinder Bedi, Chairperson, Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Ana Hajduka, CEO, Africa GreenCo
Alif Sakti, Co-founder, Siklus
COP28 Resource Hub
Visit ProjectThe UN’s 28th annual climate change conference (COP28) was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from November 30-December 12, 2023. WRI’s experts closely tracked the key issues at stake. Explore our Resource Hub to learn more about the negotiations, key outcomes and what must happen next.
Part of ClimatePartnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectP4G helps early-stage climate businesses implementing solutions across food, water and energy systems to become investment ready.
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