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WRI 2018 Funding Commitments

This list totals just over $132M, which represents 96% of funds raised in FY18. The text associated with each donor describes the major bodies of work supported and may represent multiple contributions.

Donors who provided total contributions of $500,000 and higher in Fiscal Year 2018 (October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway

Creating the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, a global pact to protect the world's Ocean; instilling principles of accountability, inclusivity, and sustainability within land use management in Papua.

Stephen M. Ross Philanthropies

WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G), a global forum for developing concrete public-private partnerships at scale to deliver on the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement; core support for implementation of WRI's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.

Ministry of Climate and Environment of Norway

Global Forest Watch (GFW) and New Climate Economy (NCE).

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Core support for implementation of WRI's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Stategy of the United Kingdom

Coalition for Urban Transitions, a global initiative to support national governments to accelerate economic development and tackle dangerous climate change by transforming cities.

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany

The NDC Partnership, a global initiative to help countries achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) or national climate commitments; increasing water security, climate resilience, and creating a scalable foundation to help countries globally adapt to climate-related water challenges and sustainably manage water resources; transitioning developing countries to clean buses.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Core support for implementation of WRI's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan; synthesis study on climate adaptation interventions in developing countries.

United Nations Office for Project Services

Establishing an integrated platform to improve the monitoring process and emission reduction measurements of peatland protection and restoration activities; developing, implementing and overseeing frameworks that enable governments, non-profits and the private sector to account for both the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and sustainable developments benefits generated by their activities.

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of Germany

Scaling forest and landscape restoration in Brazil.

Stitching IKEA Foundation

Assisting partners in India and East Africa improve their ability to implement renewable energy into their operations; developing Energy Access Explorer, a GIS platform that visualizes demand for energy.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Global Forest Watch (GFW); support countries in applying for Global Environment Facility (GEF) funds from the Food Systems, Land Use, and Restoration Impact Program, to increase their investments in strategies that reduce agricultural pressure on natural ecosystems.

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Support Chinese cities in realizing the "Transit Metropolis" development model, resulting in reduction of CO2 emissions; researching, mobilizing, and creating blueprints for improving air quality through Sustainable Urban Transport (SUT) in Brazil; local learning and development for staff in China.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Flexible support for the Climate program

Oak Foundation

Core support for WRI; strengthening work in climate and sustainable transport in WRI India, Brasil, and China; global climate governance

Bloomberg Philanthropies

The American Cities Climate Challenge, an initiative to help mayors across the U.S. move further and faster on climate change; proposal and deliverables formulation for the Bloomberg Renewable Cities Project.

European Climate Foundation

Support for the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy to develop a Data Portal for Cities; measuring the collective impact of cities and supporting cities to enhance ambition and climate action; expanding the work of the Clean Energy Investment Accelerator in Vietnam and building demand for clean energy in Vietnam from industrial and corporate partners; support for the Climate Briefing Services.

The World Bank

Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC); report demonstrating the World Bank’s understanding and commitment to fostering green-gray infrastructure in client countries and World Bank-financed operations; communication materials and support for Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR); Road safety capacity building of Nairobi metropolitan area; knowledge Products for TransFORM Platform;

Citi Foundation

Financing Sustainable Cities Initiative (FSCI) to help cities accelerate and scale-up investments in sustainanle urban solutions.

Global Environment Facility

Building Efficiency Accelerator

GIZ China

Advancing the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Paris Agreement; Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) for Impact at Scale and transport; support for the Water, Peace, and Security (WPS) partnership and a working paper on Water, Security, and Conflict; implementation of the Transforming Transportation conference; study on coal plants in China and their impacts on water and grazing land.

Climateworks Foundation

Support for WRI's role in highlighting subnational action driving climate leadership in the U.S; promoting zero-carbon buildings and buildings energy efficiency in India; advancing the implementation of the Paris Agreement; support for WRI's Power Explorer and the Global Power Plant Database; ‘THE MOVE’ Summit, a summit to support India to define a comprehensive mobility agenda and identify areas for global cooperation; technical review of the activities of the India Greenhouse Gas Platform; The Non-Party Climate Action Data, Analysis, and Communication workshop; developing a methodology to assess electricity transmission and distribution investments; study on water-energy-food nexus strategy in China; Science Based Targets in apparel sector.

Hivos Foundation

Global Forest Watch (GFW)

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland

Support for the implementation and preparation of robust and ambitious National Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Least Developed Countries (LDCs);

USAID Democratic Republic of Congo

Strengthening Central Africa Environmental Management and Policy Support (SCAEMPS)

UK Department for International Development for Indonesia

A whole-of-economy study in Indonesia.

Toyota Mobility Foundation

Station Access and Mobility Program (STAMP), an initiative working with metro rail agencies and other local partners to enable innovative solutions for integrated mobility in Indian cities.

World Economic Forum

The Friends of the Ocean Action Agenda.

Shell Foundation

Engagement of cities in Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey, and China to explore ways to improve accessibility and mass transit.


Global Forest Watch; enabling effective community based management and protecting biodiveristy resources in Madagascar.

Asian Development Bank

Support Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) cities to plan and build sustainable and climate resilient urban infrastructure; study on land value capture.

PepsiCo, Inc.

Global Plastic Action Partnership; Corporate Consultative Group (CCG); Courage to Lead

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands

The Global Commission on Adaptation, which seeks to accelerate adaptation action and increase political support for building climate resilience.

U.S. Forest Service International Programs

Timber Legality and Transparency - Combating illegal logging and associated trade and promoting trade in legally-sourced forest products

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Opportunity assessment for pathways to natural climate solutions on natural and working lands.

U.S. Agency for International Development

Global Forest Watch (GFW)

U.S. Department of State

Clean and Advanced Energy Investment Accelerator (CAEIA), an initiative to advance cleaner energy development by overcoming policy barriers and spurring investments in developing countries.

Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust

General support for the Climate Program

IHE Delft Foundation

The Water, Peace and Security Initiative to develop and test information tools, analysis, capacity building, advice and the building of networks to support policy makers and practitioners to timely identify, analyse and reduce the risks of water related conflict and to increase stability and resilience.

FedEx Corporation

FedEx Challenge Award in India

University of Maryland

America's Pledge on Climate Change

Pirojsha Godrej Foundation

WRI India

Donors who provided total contributions between $500,000 - $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2018 (October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018)

Open Society Foundations

Strengthening the Right to Information for People and the Environment (STRIPE)

Linden Trust for Conservation

Advancing carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the United States by assessing which technologies and approaches hold the most promise for impact at scale, and identifying policy advocacy priorities for scaling priority technologies; carbon pricing; general support.

Ford Foundation

Sustainable Investing Initiative

UPS Foundation

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), Greenhouse Gas Protoco (GHGP) & Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). 

Microsoft Corporation

Development of the AI for Earth Innovation Fund, addressing restoration, deforestaion, air quality, GHG emissions, and urban tree cover.

Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

WRI Clean Energy Innovation Project, an intiative to develop and disseminate an affirmative vision for US grid decarbonization, develop improved market designs to support deep decarbonization, and help build support for energy innovation policy.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Beijing Congestion Charging Project; support for US-China Track II Dialogue on Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development

SIDA-Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN

New Climate Economy (NCE)

Swedish PostCode Foundation

Crowdfunding monitoring system to support communities in restoring their land for food, water, and energy security

The Alexander Foundation

General support

Acacia Conservation Fund

General support

Environmental Protection Agency of Sweden

New Climate Economy (NCE)

We Mean Business

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi); analyzing the interplay between climate action by businesses to understand how stronger NDCs can unlock bolder private sector action.

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation

Science Based Targets for financial institutions; Corporate Consultative Group (CCG)

United Nations Foundation

New Climate Economy (NCE) and Global Climate Action Summit

The Walmart Foundation

Food Loss and Waste and Clean Power Council

Roger Sant

WRI's President's Fund

Forestry Development Authority of Liberia

Liberia Forest Atlas

Green Climate Fund

Study on Green Climate Fund's climate change adaptation approach.

National Geographic Society

Resource Watch

Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Food Loss and Waste Protocol; Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) 

United Nations Environment Programme

Report on national laws and regulations addressing plastic pollution, particularly in marine and costal ecosystems; development of Guidance Resources on use of the Global Nutrient Management Toolbox.

Federal Office for the Environment of Switzerland

Climate Watch and Power Explorer

Sall Family Foundation

General support

Pisces Foundation

Support for the adoption of measures to address short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) to increase ambition in commitments to the Paris Agreement.

Climate and Land Use Alliance

Shifting Diets, an initiative linked to Better Buying Lab; Cool Food Pledge; restoration work in India.

International Land Coalition

Land restoration and environmental defenders work; LandMark.

French Development Agency

Helping agencies produce concrete deliverables in the context of the global climate change and sustainable development agendas of 2015 and beyond.

Japan International Cooperation Agency

Support for climate and climate finance research, including climate mainstreaming in development finance institutions, engaging institutional investors on climate, long-term climate strategies and NDC enhancement.

Tyson Foods, Inc.

Support for a high-level water stewardship position statement and enterprise-wide water goals that respond to business risks and represent leadership in corporate water stewardship; Corporate Consultative Group (CCG).

Growald Family Fund

Combining a global dataset of power impacts on water supplies, Power Watch Water, with national-level engagement to turn information into action; analysis on thermal power plants in India – responsible for over 80 percent of the country’s electricity production--to support India's commitments to expanding electricity access for all, and achieving a rapid transition to renewable energy.

Wildlife Conservation Society

Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE)

DOEN Foundation

Energy access in Kenya

Vital Strategies

Technical assistance in Latin American cities.

Shell Global Solutions International BV

Advisory services to provide input into Shell's sustainability strategy; Corporate Consultative Group (CCG).

The Moses Ginsberg Family Foundation

WRI Ross Cities Prize

Stephen Ross

WRI Ross Cities Prize

Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment of Ireland

NDC Partnership

United Nations Global Compact

NDC Partnership

Underwriters Laboratories Inc

Support for work to reduce bus road crashes in India.

Energy Foundation China

Support for China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) capacity building and outreach on environmental and development issues.

Target Corporation

Clean Power Council; Science Based Targets (SBTi)

David Blood

General support

Silhouettes of children playing swing in turbine wind park at sunset