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WRI 2017 Funding Commitments

This list totals just over $98M, which represents 96% of funds raised in FY17. The text associated with each donor describes the major bodies of work supported and may represent multiple contributions.

Donors who provided total contributions of $500,000 and higher in Fiscal Year 2017 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany (BMU)

Forest monitoring and landscape restoration in Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Nicaragua, and Rwanda; coordination of the Global Restoration Council; and tracking, implementing, and strengthening national GHG mitigation contributions.

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany

The NDC Partnership, a global initiative to help countries achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) or national climate commitments; implementation support for NDC to the Paris Agreement, and for the African Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100).

Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment

Global Forest Watch; Accelerating Action on REDD+; and Designing the Project for Advancing Climate Transparency (PACT) Global Stocktake

Bloomberg Philanthropies

WRI Ross Center Road Safety Initiative;  Road Safety in India; India’s Smart Cities mission; Global Protocol for Cities; low-carbon development in the Global South; supporting Bloomberg Philanthropies to explore the potential of a program in India on issues of air pollution and clean energy; and support for inclusion of data on climate-related risks on the Resource Watch platform.

Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID)

For the Coalition for Urban Transitions, which helps national decision makers unlock the power of cities for enhanced national economic, social, and environmental performance, including reducing the risk of climate change; and to support research for the publication World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City.

Stephen M. Ross Philanthropies

For the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Transform and scale restoration efforts in Brazil by combining the best practices in conservation and business acumen from commercial plantations; a non-car based model for Brazil for urban design to prevent a trajectory of high carbon development; establishment of a Low-Emission Zone in Beijing; and Initiative for Climate Action and Transparency.

USAID Democratic Republic of Congo

Capacity building to monitor forest cover change, biodiversity protection, and policy implementation to maintain the humid forest ecosystem of the Congo Basin.

Department of Energy & Climate Change of the United Kingdom

Implementation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Transforming agriculture for climate resilience; and influencing equitable urbanization dialogue by supporting the development of sanitation and water working papers.

European Climate Foundation

Cities Global GHG Emissions Data Portal; Climate Briefing Service; and building demand for clean energy in Vietnam and Indonesia by mobilizing corporate demand for renewables.

Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative

Forest Legality Initiative

U.S. Agency for International Development

Global Forest Watch

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia

NDC Partnership

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Global Forest Watch; and establishment of a clean energy market development strategy and operationaling the Greenhouse Gas Protocol in India.

The Tilia Fund

WRI's forest work and general support for WRI's Climate program.

Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust

America's Pledge Initiative and general support for WRI's Climate program.

DOB Ecology

Building out the land use portion of Resource Watch with monitoring of the recovery of ecosystems.

Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France

NDC Partnership

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Creation of a high impact network of bi-partisan messengers to engage decision makers on the importance of investing in durable and efficient energy and transportation infrastructure in the US; and support for the Governors' Climate Unit, a network of climate policy leaders to support states' climate policy expertise and communications capacity.

Cargill, Inc

Support for multiple private sector-related projects including: Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, Food, Loss and Waste Protocol, Global Forest Watch;and Corporate Consultative Group membership

Shell Foundation

Engagement of cities in Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey, and China to explore ways to improve accessibility and mass transit.

U.S. Department of State

Increase investment in and deployment of renewable energy by addressing and resolving key barriers in the renewable energy policy and finance sectors; and increase private investment in landscape restoration and resilience in Africa.


For WRI's Forest work

European Commission

Implementing the Paris Climate Change Agreement, in particular the implementation of the transparency and accountability mechanisms.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland

Institutional support for projects that address poverty alleviation in developing countries.

Ford Foundation

Sustainable Investing Initiative, which uses WRI research and hands-on experience with its own endowment to mainstream sustainable investing; and the Open Government Partnership

Facebook, Inc.

Support for the Aqueduct Alliance, and Energy Access and Utilities of the Future projects.

Donors who provided total contributions between $500,000 - $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2017 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017)

Toyota Mobility Foundation

High quality, sustainable mass transit solutions for Bengaluru, India; and innovation in mobility for Brazil through the Brazil Mobility Challenge.

Environmental Protection Agency of Sweden

Global Research and engagement in support of the New Climate Economy.

Skoll Global Threats Fund

Development of Aqueduct Food and the integration of Aqueduct data with Resource Watch.

Tyson Foods, Inc

Assess water risk across the company's value chain; provide guidance in setting context-based water targets and  and science-based targets to address greenhouse gas emissions; and Corporate Consultative Group membership.

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

New Climate Economy, China-India Dialogue, and a study and stakeholder engagement on international climate financing architecture

The Energy Foundation

Support for America's Pledge, an Expert Dialogue Event; Corporate Renewable Energy Buyer's Principles; and air quality research.

The Walmart Foundation

Development of tools and training materials and support for WRI's Food Loss and Waste Protocol

The World Bank

Development of the Aqueduct Flood Analyzer; piloting the Electricity Supply Monitoring Initiative in Indonesia; benefits analysis of land restoration in Paraguay; co-branded publication on road safety; and expert review assistance.

Winrock International

Fourteen-country analysis of water security risk with the integration of bottom-up watershed models with top-down global models and analysis via Aqueduct.

U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities

Establishment of a pilot municipal utility bond for source water protection;  support to create a market for private capital to accelerate environmental impact through the development of the Forest Resilience Bond focused on forest restoration in collaboration with Blue Forest Conservation and the US Endowment; development of a water quantity measurement protocol based on research in California's Sierra Nevada; and assist the Department of Defense to accelerate the pace of strategic landscape conservation through the Sentinel Landscapes Partnership.

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Shaping the international architecture for climate finance and environmental and social standards for development finance; and support for US China Climate Track II Dialogue on Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Implementation of the Democratic Republic of Congo's National Forest Monitoring System; and development of a guidance document on indicators for monitoring forest and landscape restoration.

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Contribute to global efforts to raise the social and environmental standards and performance of international financial institutions, particularly the World Bank and Green Climate Fund, and develop a Sustainable Infrastructure Dialogue focused on shifting Chinese overseas investments in infrastructure toward more social and environmental sustainability.

Acacia Conservation Fund

General support


Promote an enabling environment for women's recognition and meaningful engagement as a stakeholder in community decision-making on large scale land acquisitions in Tanzania, Mozambique, and the Philippines.


Landscape restoration for climate and communities in India

Inter-American Development Bank

Development of an Index and Incentive Mechanism for Disaster and Climate Resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management; through IDB Invest, the development of GFW Pro, a forest monitoring system for financial institutions called GFW Pro, which is being developed to track compliance to deforestation policies in investments and provide relevant information to supporting bank clients’ sustainability efforts; and for sponsorship of the Transforming Transportation conference.

U.S. Forest Service International Programs

Combating illegal logging and associated trade and for promoting trade in legally-sourced forest products.

UPS Foundation

Corporate Greenhouse Gas emissions management and to increase the supply of waste-based renewable natural gas.

Nathan Cummings Foundation

WRI's Climate Caucus project to facilitate collective corporate leadership for a clean energy economy, helping companies collaborate to build industry support for policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help communities adapt to climate change.  


Develop and publish a report on administrative barriers to the formal recognition of indigenous and community land in tropical forest countries.

KR Foundation

Better Buying Lab project, an incubator and accelerator of products and strategies that shift consumers toward more sustainable consumption.

Generation Foundation

Global Forest Watch and general support.

Qualcomm Foundation

Sludge to energy projects in China and India.

Citi Foundation Brazil

Partnership with National Front of Mayors in Brazil on program on the Complete Streets and Active Mobility projects. 

Bank of America

Corporate Consultative Group membership; Sustainable Finance Initiative;  and WRI's Climate Caucus project to facilitate collective corporate leadership for a clean energy economy, helping companies collaborate to build industry support for policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help communities adapt to climate change.  

Italian Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea

Assessment of how multilateral development banks are changing operations due to the Paris Agreement and how their financial support of the energy supply sector contributes to the Agreements' targets.

American Forest Foundation

Award through the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service to develop a pilot project demonstrating the efficacy of a Forest Resilience Bond. 

Tetra Tech ARD

Improving beef and leather commodity chains and deforestation dynamics by improving the availability of data for critical areas of conflict and social risk involving indigenous land rights  in the Paraguyan Chaco region; and for forest landscape restoration in India.

World Wildlife Fund

Support for WWF’s Collaboration for Forests and Agriculture Initiative work funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in collaboration with WWF Paraguay; and to enhance communications capacity for USAID's Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment to conserve the Congo Basin's tropical rainforest and its threatened biodiversity.

Energy Foundation China

Development of a measurable water scarcity index to assist in improving  the water resources fee system in China to reflect the true value of regional water scarcity; provide Chinese enterprises with successful green power business models, enrich the option of power consumers to renewable energy, and promote the formation of the demand-side based renewable energy market through consumers intention

Arconic Foundation

Development and deployment of a web-based learning platform with global knowledge, capacity building materials, and events for city agencies, ministries, and other professionals in Brazil, Mexico, and Turkey.

FIA Foundation

Road safety work in Brazil, Mexico, and Turkey.

North Carolina State University

Development of an online, publicly accessible, climate risk dashboard for two Indian states, and targeted outreach to other states in India.

James Harmon

General support and Courage to Lead event sponsorship.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Technical expert services for the development of technology to identify timber species to combat the illegal timber trade; and for the development of a prototype for a "Rosewood Strategic Assessment Diagnostic" toolkit.

Pisces Foundation


To highlight the significant opportunities for a range of countries to address short-lived climate pollutants.

Cities Alliance Joint Work Programme

Scale the urban resilience in  informal settlements in the cities of Surat, Samarang, and Rio de Janeiro by improving the evidence base through community assessments and addressing resilience gaps. 

National Environment Agency of Singapore

Global Forest Watch

French Development Agency (IFD)

To serve as a knowledge partner for IFD and other interested members of the International Development Finance Club on climate and sustainable development finance.


Support for the development of GFW Pro, a forest monitoring system built for financial institutions, to track compliance to deforestation policies in investments and provide relevant information to supporting sustainability efforts.

Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC

Low-carbon emission development strategy and investment plan.

Wildlife Conservation Society

Improve implementation of biodiversity conservation in Africa through capacity building of local and national stakeholders.

West Virginia University

Supporting effective knowledge sharing among participants in the US-China Advanced Coal Technology Consortium (CERC-ACTC) in the area of advanced coal technology including carbon capture, utilization and storage.

David Blood

Courage to Lead event sponsorship and general support.


Corporate Consultatitive Group membership and Utilities of the Future project.


Aqueduct advisory services; and Better Buying Lab project, an incubator and accelerator of products and strategies that shift consumers toward more sustainable consumption.

Mars, Incorporated

Corporate Consultative Group membership; consultative services; and Courage to Lead event sponsorship.

Johnson Controls, Inc

Building efficiency report and workshop in China; and Corporate Consultative Group membership.

We Mean Business

Science Based Targets project support from Carbon Disclosure Project via We Mean Business.

United Nations Global Compact

For WRI's role leading research and analysis on opportunities to advance climate action among businesses and governments through the Low-Carbon and Resiient Development Action Platform.

The Rockefeller Foundation

Implementation of water rights trading systems in China.

Roger Sant

For WRI's President's Fund.

Mulago Foundation

Global Forest Watch

McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Sustainable urban transportation

Sall Family Foundation

General support


Aqueduct Alliance; Corporate Consultatitive Group membership; and sponsorship of Courage to Lead event.

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

Assistance for C40 cities in China to measure and develop an inventory for their city-wide GHG emissions, set reduction targets, and build organizational capacity and processes to develop robust climate action plans.

Afsaneh Beschloss

Sponsorship of Courage to Lead event.

Abbott Laboratories

Assistance in drafting a 2030 water stewardship vision and targets; guidance on setting science-based targets; and Corporate Consultative Group membership.

Silhouettes of children playing swing in turbine wind park at sunset